Hot Melt Drum Unloaders

Case Study – Pumping KLEIBERIT PUR HotCoating® Material Using a Uniflow® Hot Melt Drum Unloader

Pumping any type of PUR (polyurethane reactive) adhesive requires a hot melt drum unloader, as the material is solid at room temperature and must be heated to convert it to liquid form.KLEIBERIT HotCoating® materials deliver unique performance advantages, but also create challenges for the drum unloader.  This document provides information on [...]

2023-11-09T17:48:27-05:00April 27, 2020|Hot Melt Drum Unloaders|

How IMMCO Helped A Global Leader in Tapes/Labels Grow With A Custom Hot Melt, Precision Metering System

When a major Global Tape/Label Company (referred to as TLC in the rest of this article) realized the need to expand their existing hot melt systems capabilities, they also identified an opportunity to streamline their process.To do that, though, they’d need a partner with 44 years of hot melt experience and [...]

2024-08-01T09:54:48-04:00September 3, 2019|Case Studies, Hot Melt Drum Unloaders|





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